HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: WOMAN ANALYSIS: Element : Woman Symbol : WO2 Discoverer : Adam Atomic Mass : Accepted as 55kg, but known to vary from 45 to 720kg. Occurrence : Copious quantities in all urban areas and trace elements found in most others. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Surface usually covered in powder and painted film. 2. Boils at nothing and freezes for no reason. 3. Melts if given special treatment. 4. Bitter if incorrectly used. 5. Found in various grades ranging from virgin to common ore. 6. Yields to pressure applied gently to selected points. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Has a great affinity for Au, Ag and Pt and most precious stones. 2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances. 3. May explode without warning. 4. Softens and takes on a rosy glow when soaked in hot water. 5. Reactivity greatly increased if soaked in alcohol. 6. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man. COMMON USES: 1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars. 2. A great aid to relaxation. TESTS: 1. Pure specimen turns bright pink when discovered in its natural state. 2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.