Top 10 tips for Driving in Taipei 10) Signal left, turn right. 9) To pass, get on the bus-only lane and step on the gas-padel hard. 8) Park in handicapped space. 7) You're going the wrong way on the one-way street and there's oncoming traffic. Turn on your high beams!!! 6) Do not tailgate taxis. 5) Unlike anywhere else in the world, staying immediately behind emergency vehicles will only slow you down. 4) Yellow lines on the streets means park at your own risk. 3) Stopping for red lights is a waste of your time. 2) Tuck your local Legislative Representative's name card to the police that had just pulled you over. He'll catch the hint. and the #1 tip for driving in Taipei is... 1) When it says "Reserved Parking" it means YOU.