The Top 15 Signs Cupid has Gone Nuts 15> Is on retainer to Anna Nicole Smith. 14> After the recent minor surgery, he's shooting blanks instead of arrows. 13> Traded in the diaper for leopard-skin Speedos. 12> Armed and horny in See's, he threatens to "waste the truffles" one by one until ATF agents deliver Cindy Crawford. 11> *Still* thinks OJ is innocent. 10> When he runs out of arrows, simply relieves himself on people's heads. 9> Thinks it's funny to keep making Rush Limbaugh fall madly in love with himself. 8> Stays in the pub all night throwing darts at people as they stumble to the bathroom, ensuring a night of bacchanalia in the stalls. 7> Aiming love arrows ONLY at dog genitals and human legs. 6> Recent Oreo binges making it impossible for tiny wings to support his bloated girth. 5> Offering "special military discount" to Army drill instructors. 4> Shows up with an arrow through his head and shouts, "Well, exuuuuuuuuuse me!" 3> He's got three days of stubble, he's waving a half-empty bottle of Everclear, and he's up in a clocktower with a pink assault rifle, screaming about "that amateur bastard Chuck Woolery." 2> Has given up his bow and arrow in place of simply kicking lovers in the groin. and the number 1 sign Cupid has gone nuts... 1> Despite abundant wit and ravashing good looks, a majority of the Top 5 List contributor pool remains inexplicably single.