Mrs. Smith presented her husband with a 12 lbs baby and for a joke, one of the miners spread the news that Mr. Smith had found a 12 lbs nugget (gold). The local newspaper, eager for a scoop, sent a reporter around. The door was opened by Mrs. Smith and this is the ensuing conversation: Reporter = R Mrs. Smith = M R: Does Mr. Smith live here? M: Yes. R: Is he here? M: No, but I'm his wife. R: I heard that he has found a 12 lbs nugget. M: Yes, he has (sensing the joke). R: Can you show me to the spot where it came from? M: No, I'm afraid I can't. R: Is the hole far from here? M: No, quite handy. R: Is the hole very large? M: Well, it's getting larger as Mr. Smith works on it. R: Has he been working for it long? M: Since just before we were married. R: Was Mr. Smith the first to work on it? M: (Blushing) No, but he thinks he was. R: Is the work difficult? M: It was at first, but it's getting easier now. R: Is the water inside the hole plentiful? M: Enough for the job. R: Has Mr. Smith struck the bottom yet? M: No, but very near to it. R: Do you think there are many more nuggets? M: Yes, if the hole is properly worked. R: Has he worked on the hole since the nugget was found? M: No, but it was time to start again. R: Does he find the work tiring? M: No, I work with him. R: Do you think he will sell the claim? M: No, he gets too much enjoyment out of it. R: When does he work on it? M: In the night on carry in the morning. R: Does he work on it long? M: Long enough to satisfy him. R: May I see the nugget please? Mrs. Smith produced the baby and the reporter fainted.