A man died and went to the gates of heaven. There he was met by St. Peter. St. Peter asks the man for his name, but the man can't recall his name. St. Peter is sitting at a terminal, so he asks for area the man lived in so he can do a location search to find out who he is. Again, the man can't recall where he lived or his name. St. Peter asks him if he has any relatives, again he can't recall. Finally, St. Peter asks if he has any kids. The man yells, yes, I do have a son. St. Peter says, great, what's his name? Unfortunately, the man can't remember his name either. With all the excitement, Jesus walks up behind St. Peter to see if everything's okay. St. Peter then asks if he has any distinguishing features. The man thinks and says, "Yes, he has holes in his hands and in his feet." Jesus gasps and falls to his knees, looking up at the man, his eyes welling up with tears and manages to whisper, "Father?" The man then shouts back, "Pinocchio?"