The Top 14 Signs You Have Nothing to Do at Work 14> You find yourself looking forward to your next random drug test. 13> You've already read the entire Dilbert page-a-day calendar for 1997. 12> The only activity on your calendar: Tuesday/8:00am - Discuss Melrose Place at the water cooler. 11> You discover that staring at your cubicle wall long enough produces image of Elvis. 10> You've actually figured out a way to get Gilligan off that island. 9> You decide to see how many Mountain Dew's you can drink before the inevitable explosion occurs. 8> Wake up, fix Tipper her breakfast and kiss her goodbye, then back to bed. 7> People only come into your office to borrow pencils from your ceiling. 6> Your employer lets you listen in on his calls from the president. 5> You *knew* that guy who hired you to find his wife's killer looked familiar. 4> No longer content with merely photo-copying your ass, you now scan it and enhance it with Photoshop. 3> After months of taking frequent breaks, you now require only a single can of cola to belch the names of all seven Dwarves. 2> Your title? Hooters Employee Continuing Education Coordinator. and the Number 1 Sign You Have Nothing to Do at Work... 1> The 4th Division of Paperclips has overrun the Pushpin Infantry and General White-Out has called for a new skirmish.