25 Reasons We Like Men Just The Way They Are 1) When you're dancing, the big of their hand on the small of your back. 2) That they don't take everything personally. 3) Their healthy affection for their body-as-is. We get hysterical when we don't fit into our tightest jeans. Men start worrying only when they don't fit into the car. 4) The way they get blissed out listening to a smart woman talk. 5) The open and trusting manner in which they'll point to a restaurant menu and ask, "Do I like this?" 6) French-kissing. 7) When they drape their jackets around our shoulders on a chilly evening. 8) If you ask them, "Who's prettier, me or Julia Roberts?" they instinctively know the correct answer. ("That pig? Compared to you? No contest!") 9) Their tendency to fall in love with some goofy aspect of you that you never noticed before: "I'm crazy about the way your ear curls like a potato chip." 10) Their refusal to take the blame when they know they don't deserve it. 11) Their buns. 12) That they aren't exactly sure when you're wearing makeup and when you're not, and can't remember whether mascara is the tube thing or the pencil thing. 13) The stricken/ecstatic look on their face when they're holding a friend's baby, and suddenly, for the first time, they can imagine themselves doing this for real. 14) The smell of RightGuard and honest sweat battling for dominance. 15) They'll kill hairy insects the size of Latvia for you, even though they don't much relish the idea, either. 16) They're willing to let you off at the entrance, any entrance, and go park 16 blocks away. 17) The graciousness with which they allow us to pick at their dessert after we've declined to order one. 18) Talking to them in the bathroom while they shave. 19) When they tell us they'd be friends with us even if they didn't love us. 20) Sleeping like spoons. 21) Fighting with them after you've both gotten the hang of doing it fairly. 22) They make such fabulous brothers. 23) The way they look in well-worn jeans and a white dress shirt with no tie. 24) The way they assume we have an opinion on the designated-hitter rule. 25) They cried at "Fried Green Tomatoes," too.