FARTOLOGY ========= DISHONEST FARTERS they who fart and blame the dog FOOLISH FARTERS they who keep their farts inside PROMT FARTERS they who always have a fart ready MISERABLE FARTERS they who cannot fart STRATEGIC FARTERS they who fart and cough at the same time CLEVER FARTERS they who fart and cough at the same time DISAPPOINTED FARTERS those whose farts do not emit odour ACUTE FARTERS those whose fart smells indicate their recent diet MEAN FARTERS they who fart in bed and shake covers over their spouse VAIN FARTERS they who love the smell of their own farts AMIABLE FARTERS they who love the smell of others farts CONFIDENT FARTERS they who let out really loud farts SHY FARTERS they who let out silent farts SCIENTIFIC FARTERS they who bottle their own farts UNFORTUNATE FARTERS they who start to fart but shit instead NERVOUS FARTERS they who stop in mid fart HONEST FARTERS they who confess to the fart JEALOUS FARTERS they who claim the farts of others INSECURE FARTERS they who compare their fart quality to others THE FARTERS FARTER those rare farters whose farts clear moving vehicle