There are three men all waiting at the pearlly gates and St. Peter comes to them and says, "We are running short on transportation so we decided to give you your transportation based upon how faithful you were to your wife." St. Peter asked each man how many times they had cheated on their wives. The first one replied, "Never. I love my wife and never cheated on her." He then recieved a set of keys and St. Peter directed him to a BMW. The second one shuffled his feet a little and said, "Well, to be honest, I cheated on her once but it was only once and I felt really bad." St. Peter thought for a moment and said, "OK. Here are your keys. See that Honda Civic over there? That is your car to drive from now til enternity." Then the third man was asked and he sheeplishly replied, "I was no saint. I cheated on my wife 3 times." St. Peter said, "I understand but so must you see that Pinto over there. That is yours to drive from now til eternity." The third man thought well okay at least I got a car. A few days later the fellow in the Pinto came upon the fellow in the BMW who had his head on the steering wheel and was crying... "Hey man, what's the matter? I mean you loved your wife and were loyal to her and now you get to drive this BMW from now until eternity." The man in the BMW said, "I just saw my wife go by on a skateboard."