A man walks into a bar one night and sees three jars of money on a shelf on the back wall. He asks the bartender what the jars are all about. The bartender informs him that they are tests of manhood. The man asks the bartender to elaborate. The bartender begins by telling him that the first jar contains $50. To win the $50 dollars a man has to go to the end of the bar and knock out the biker sitting on the last stool. The man looks to the end of the bar and sees a big burly biker. He says to the bartender, "I bet that money's been there a while." The bartender says yes and proceeds to tell him that the second jar contains $100. To win the contents in that jar a man has to go to the room behind the bar and remove a bad tooth from the rottweiler. The man gets up and takes a look at the animal in the back and sees a 200lb dog with a curled lip and large teeth. He goes to sit back down and tells the bartender that he can really understand why that jar is still there. The bartender then tells him that in the third jar there is $300 and to win that money a man has to have sex with the fattest, ugliest woman in the bar three times. The man looks at that woman and thinks to himself, "I wouldn't even try it." The man begins to drink and after he gets a bit of a buzz going he walks to the end of the bar and in one punch, he lays the biker down. All of the patrons in the bar go wild. Everyone is cheering and whooping and hollering. The man wins the money and buys everyone a drink. He ends up spending all $50 on drinks and gets completely drunk. Everyone in the bar waits in anticipation as they watches the man get up and walk to the back room. They all listened intently as the rottweilers growls and snarls turned to whimpers and howls. The man walks out of the back room and says, "All right. Where's the bitch with the bad tooth?"